Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012 - Roller Coaster

Roller coaster
You know how roller coasters have ups and downs and spins and turns and twists ... Well, today has definitely been a roller coaster ride. This entire journey has been one, but today has been its own special kind of crazy.
The nurses and doctors agree it's always busy here between Thanksgiving and Christmas, plus with it being a full moon ... Well, you can imagine!
Christy arrived at the hospital early this morning. We were all super worried about dad last night and we hardly slept. Christy's gut instinct was that she needed to check on him, so she got here early. It's a good thing she did.
Dad was worse. He was exhausted. He was retaining fluids. His breathing was shallow and labored. His doctor looked at his charts and looked him over and listened to his lungs. He ordered more X-rays. He immediately decided dad needed to be moved back to ICU and put on a ventilator again.
After much organizing and gathering and testing, they were ready to move dad. Bill, Christy and I took a different elevator and met dad and the team transporting him as they arrived. The three of us sat in the waiting room while they got dad settled, then went in to be with him.
Dad's room was sparse, but adequately sized. A nurse brought us three chairs, so the "Peanut Gallery" could once again sit at dad's feet. We decided to wait to tell mom that dad had been moved because she was going to have her hair done and we all agreed she deserved to have a at least a little pleasure in her day. Besides, it wasn't a critical situation like it was Monday afternoon.
Some friends of mom and dad's showed up to see him, but were surprised when he wasn't in his room on the 5th floor. They went down tot he waiting room at ICU and Christy went out to talk to them and fill them in on what all had gone on. The last time they had been there to visit was when the rapid response was called on Monday. They are of the mindset that perhaps they shouldn't visit because every time they do, some emergency happens! Bless their hearts!!
Throughout the day dad's wonderful nurse came in to check on him, administer medications, suction his lungs, and do whatever needed to be done. The ladies from Respiratory Therapy came by frequently, as well. I had never ever seen ICU as busy as it was today. Every nurse seemed to be on the move all day long. I've also never seen as many doctors in there at one time!
We met the lung doctor who had just replaced dad's trach so they could add the ventilator equipment to it. He had recently been equipped with a different type, but nobody expected he'd have to go back on the vent. Regardless, it was a necessity, and he's breathing VIA the machine and resting his exhausted body, so now we are hoping he'll be on the rapid road to recovery.
His condition and frame of mind is quite different from what it was as recent as last Sunday. I wish like everything he had not aspirated on Monday. If that hadn't happened, he'd be light years ahead of where he is now. However, had Christy and I not been there to get help for him, he'd likely not have even made it through the day. I'd give my eye teeth to do that day over knowing what we know now.
We can't undo the past. We can learn from it, though. Yes ... Today has been a roller coaster ride. Not the most fun one, I assure you. Stress levels have been elevated. Moods have been low. Emotions have run wild. Imaginations have run amok. Hopes and dreams have shattered, only to be picked up and pieced back together with tape. Our family is exhausted. We are scared. We are hopeful. We have faith.
Faith in God above to do what's needed and to help understand the path we are all being led down. Faith in the doctors and nurses to have the wisdom, the speed, and the focus to make the best decisions. Faith in each other to be there for support, no matter what.

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December 3, 2012 - Hectic

Hectic We all have hectic days. I get that. Doesn't mean we have to like it, but I'll take it today. Mom and I went up to see dad t...